On 07/07/2012 10:17 AM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
On 07.07.2012, Reindl Harald wrote:

do not buy the cheapest consumer crap and you are on the safe side
in the BUSINESS market microsoft has nothing to say, really!
Here in Norway, ~99% of all institutions use Windows. Both Windows 7
for their desktop environment, and Windows server for their networks.
Linux is used, but doesn't play an important role.

Even at university/college they are using it. All is Windows-based:
Endnote, Mathlab, SPSS... you name it. As a Linux guy you are
on your own. I spent more than a week hacking on both the Zotero
sourcecode and .CSL-scripts to adopt my universities citation style...

This is why I consider Linux the "better" technology!....not many other vendors of software would ALLOW you to hack away at their code just for your own personal achievement!

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