Am 07.07.2012 16:17, schrieb Heinz Diehl:
> On 07.07.2012, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> do not buy the cheapest consumer crap and you are on the safe side
>> in the BUSINESS market microsoft has nothing to say, really!
> Here in Norway, ~99% of all institutions use Windows. Both Windows 7
> for their desktop environment, and Windows server for their networks.
> Linux is used, but doesn't play an important role.

oh yeah, there will surely run any mail/web/ftp-server with windows
never, not in norway nor somewhere else

and yes, all this machines are maintained by people which
needs and wants non 19" hardware for play around with their
things beside production

however, MS is not permitted to lock down the x86 market
not in the united states and not in the european union

so microsoft has nothing to say

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