On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:

> It appears that Thunderbird got an attribution wrong.  Richard Vickery made
> that statement in a reply to you, and when I quoted it T'bird somehow showed
> it as coming from you.  Unlike you, I do try to be a gentleman and when I'm
> wrong, I say so.  Also unlike you, I try to avoid gratuitous insults.
When you are a part of a group of people that has decided to
marginalize or to gang up on someone, and you are an active
contributor, Joe, you are in no position to talk about manners.
Perhaps we should start with set theory and Peano arithmetic so as to
establish the most primitive form of agreed upon logical
communication, and we can go for there.

If you wanted a bar brawl, that's what you got.  You seem to think
that being part of a rock-throwing crowd should eventually result in
something other than what this list has gotten itself.  I've never
seen that happen, so I just happily play along until the crowd runs
out of rocks or gets bored with the game.  I know what's going on
here.  Do you?

Robert Myers
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