On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:

> I have a friend how has, among other things, a PhD in Poly Sci.  Unlike you,
> he knows better than to try to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it.
> Of course, he may have learned that while earning his PhD in Psyc, but I
> suspect that it's simply because, deep down, he's a gentleman.  I'm not
> saying that you aren't, because I don't know anything about you other than
> what I've seen on this mailing list, but I will say that I've not seen any
> evidence that you are.

I could have saved you an awful lot of trouble.  I'm not a gentleman,
I have no aim to be, and I try not to spend too much time around
people who think that what you would learn in a poly sci department is
a good thing.  People who major in Poly Sci want to become President
so they can send other people to be shot at or perhaps to order drones
into the air to blow lots of things to pieces.

Now, should I have the itch to build a drone, I probably have the
technical wherewithal if not the money to build one that would
actually fly.  Do you, or have you and your friends been so busy
studying the details of manipulating others that you don't actually
know how to do anything?

Robert Myers
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