On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Robert Myers <rbmyers...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Richard Vickery
> <richard.vicker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > You just proved our point that your contribution is not worthy of
> respect,
> > and since you think your words are worthless amusement, why waste your
> time
> > amusing/annoying us with it? Why make such a rude spectacle/case study of
> > yourself? Why create a poly-logue - as opposed to a dialogue (between
> two) -
> > with such a spotlight where everyone knows you in a negative light? Most
> > people I would think, and most people on the Fedora lists - or any Linux
> > list - want to make positive contributions, and be known in a positive
> > light.
> >
> And your credentials/compulsion to turn others into better people
> comes from... where?  You, not I, have chosen to make this personal,
> and you really don't want to know what I think of you, nor would I
> waste time trying to tell you.  You don't have to read or respond to
> anything.  Just how thick are you?
> Robert Myers.
> Please do remember that this goes out to the community, and not just to
me. I don't believe they take kindly to threats, if indeed that is your

My credentials come from Simon Fraser University in the political science
department. As to how thick I am: if you really want an answer, I encourage
you to read up on what Qigong does for its practitioners; I am both, and at
the same time, as thick as diamonds and as thin as the Higgs-field.

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