> Supposing your OEM isn't abusing his powers and respects
> Microsoft's requirements if it's an x86 platform, you should
> be able to add your own key in the firmware, which will be
> used to verify the boot loader.  If this thing is well
> designed (I assume it is), you won't have to flip a single
> bit on the boot loader and certainly not rebuild it
> (provided it does support secure boot in the first place).

I am trying to understand the pros and cons in the arguments here, but I am 
just a mere mortal so I will ask what I don't understand.

1) Red Hat will pay $99 to each OEM that exists in order to boot Fedora 18 
which should come out in parallel when windows 8 comes out?

2) Secure boot could be disabled in the bios and one could bypass the pile of 
M$ crap?

3) Other OSes also have to boot, since Red Hat has/is/will be paying $99 to 
M$/other company to be able to safely boot Fedora, they can just mimick 
Fedora's bootup|kernel parameters and not pay to securely boot?

4) an other page that explains some of this, I don't know if has been mentioned 
here is 


It has some explanations, but the topic is still difficult to understand and I 
would have to agree with the suggestions others have shared here in this 
thread.  Only time will tell how this issue will be affected once we get there.

Best Regards,

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