On 06/05/2012 12:46 PM, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
Thibault Nélis writes:

Supposing your OEM isn't abusing his powers and respects Microsoft's
requirements if it's an x86 platform, you should be able to add your
own key in the firmware, which will be used to verify the boot loader.

And I would also like a pony, too.

Sheep; slaughter; etc…

I think there's a point where thoughtful skepticism and criticism turn into plain negativity. I'm not saying you reached it, but I don't know what you're trying to achieve with these kinds of comments either. If it's to warn people that every OEM on the planet has bad intentions or is weak and bought by Big Bad Corp, I think they kind of got that from earlier posts. In any case, I'd be happy to talk about all this in a year or two, when we'll have more information than speculations.

(Don't worry I'm not offended or anything, I'm just saying we don't know jack yet.)
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