On 05/08/2012 06:28 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
> Sigh.  As is mentioned in the OP, I've tried multiple mice on both systems.  
> Both
> wired AND wireless.  I'm really not new to debugging an issue.  Mainly, my 
> post was
> one of curiosity rather than requesting a solution.  I'm of the mindset right 
> now
> that it's a KDE 4.8.2 issue considering I've got the same problem on 
> completely
> different hardware and completely different distros but upgraded to 4.8.2 at 
> the
> same time this popped up. 

You mention you're running KDE.  Since you don't now have GNOME on your system, 
you verify that you are also running kdm and not gdm? 

I use only KDE, I don't see your problem, but I installed KDE and GNOME from the
start.  This results in gdm being used.

Also, you don't mention if you are using the nVidia binary drivers.

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on 
the joke
of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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