I don't really know what is going on, and I'm not entirely sure the problem is strictly a Fedora problem or not, but since the last update my mice (mouses? meese?) have lost their minds. Sometimes a single acts like a doubleclick, sometimes it doesn't accept the click at all. Highlighting is sporadic at best, and getting window focus with the mouse is very much hit or miss.

Is anyone else encountering this type of problem? I will say that it appears my Kubuntu box at home seems to exhibit the same problem, but I only used it a few minutes last night so I can't say for certain. I've tried other mice with this machine and it makes no difference on how it acts.

FWIW, all my systems are KDE. I know there was just a KDE update and while it could be a KDE issue, I am trying to narrow down the cause.


Mark Haney
Software Developer/Consultant
AB Emblem
Linux marius.homelinux 3.3.4-3.fc16.x86_64 GNU/Linux
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