On 05/07/2012 10:59 AM, Wilfredo Porta wrote:
Have you tried with other DE? Maybe Gnome or XFCE?

    FWIW, all my systems are KDE. I know there was just a KDE update and
    while it could be a KDE issue, I am trying to narrow down the cause.

As I mentioned in the OP, all my systems are KDE. So, no, I haven't tried any other WM. I haven't really got the time to install and test another WM, which is part of the reason I threw it out on the list. To see if maybe someone else had seen the problem and if they too were running KDE or not.


Mark Haney
Software Developer/Consultant
AB Emblem
Linux marius.homelinux 3.3.4-3.fc16.x86_64 GNU/Linux
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