Am 10.02.2012 16:14, schrieb Timothy Murphy:
> Reindl Harald wrote:
>> you are a simple desktop-user with your stuff
>> in /home, if you are develop software and
>> integrate workflows in a system for managment
>> and so on /home does not interest you much
> I don't understand this.
> Do you mean you don't have a separate /home partition?
> Don't you get any email?
> (I keep my email in ~/Maildir/ on my server.)

on a webserver? no!

i mean that /home and the datadrive at all is
the smallest problem, configurations and well
thought and over years polished automation
are the things which are the hard work

>>>> a scripted dist-upgrade for 20 servers with yum takes around
>>>> two hours (proveable by logs) inlcuding download from local
>>>> repo-cache
>>> What is the script?
>>> It seems to me it would have to be pretty complicated.
>>> I certainly wouldn't trust any script I wrote to do this.
>> * prepare the dist-upgrade
>> * test it with snapshots
>> * rebuild weak packages (missing unit-files, dependencie problems..)
>> * build up an internal repo
>> * have all machines ONLY this repo as source
>> * have all machines cloned from the same master
>> * have all machines exepct the repo-cache never seen external repos
> This illustrates the difference between us.
> It would take me at least 2 days to do the above, not 2 hours.
> And when I had done it I would have zero confidence it would work.
> In fact I would put money on it not working.

and i put money that it works if i do it because i
am there since because i did this six times and it
worked form the first time perfectly, it is well
proven that it works and i am responsible for more
than 500 domains and all sort of services you can

but this is the differnce between me and many developers
out there - i know my respsonibility for the things i do
and and do never release half baken things to my users

and yes, i am developer too maintaning a whole cms-system
with > 200 instances on the mainserver and this does
alos get DAILY updates with one click as rolling release
and if i change things needing config-changes i am
responsible to prepare this and i do this since
nearly ten years with no mistake producing more
than a handfull php-warnings while error_reoprting

so there is a differnece how pepole act and seeing how fedora currently
acts makes people like me simply sad and angry

yes it takes 2 days to prepare

but it takes me two days for every single machine reinstall it
and restore all sort of configurations, scripts, cronjobs

so with 20 machines it would take me around 40 days resinstall
them, so it takes me two days upgrade them all, having in mind
that each dist-upgrade would take 40 days this would take
at least 80 days each year for fresh installs - unacceptable

4 days for two distupgrades are nothing
AND the infrastructure is growable!

it does not bother me if i have 20, 30 or 40 servers
they can be all maintained the same way, there are perfectly
wroking scripts on the admin-machine to start each sort of
commands / scripts on the production hosts to deploy and maintain

but this does only work as long fedora is not destroying
the distribution slowly

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