On 2/9/2012 2:12 PM, David wrote:
On 2/9/2012 1:30 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 02/09/2012 10:00 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

Thanks for the link, I was unaware of this change for F17.
Yes indeed.  When I read what was going to be done, my first thought
was, "Dear Ghod in Heaven, *why?*"  By the time I reached the bottom of
the page it all made sense.  One question, though: will there be a way
to recover the disk space used by the now-redundant directories?  I know
that with modern disks the amount lost is probably trivial, but I go
back to the days when a 40MB drive was *huge,* and I still don't like
wasting space for no good reason.  Besides, it's untidy.
I read about this and, to me, it really makes good sense. I agree with
this. But...

As I understand it...  and I am certainly *not* a Linux genius...  this
is currently not automatic with a DVD or 'online' update from 'older
Fedora'  to Fedora 17. Work-in-progress stuff. It does not work.
Following the instructions on the page, me, updated Fedora 16 twice and
succeeded once. Attempting to update an existing Rawhide, twice, failed
twice. And these were 'plain' installs. Certainly nothing exotic.

As I said I do not consider myself a 'Linux genus'  but I can read,
comprehend, and follow directions. I *do not* expect Joe/Jane Average
User to be able to follow those instructions. Would you? Nor would I
expect (s)he to.

This has to *just work*, seamlessly and painlessly, out-of-the-box or
the b*tching will start on release day.


David (and to everyone else who has posted):

I read it when you first sent the link and re-read awhile later to make sure I understood. Also read all the posts on this topic.

It makes sense and, if I take the statement that Solaris is already doing it, then I feel that its gotten at least one successful test drive. I am less of a Linux genius than probably everyone who has responded, but for whatever reason my gut says that clean installs when F17 is released will probably work (no bets on Rawhide as that is where the problems are supposed to be discovered --- and notice I use the word "probably" and not "definitely" (smile)). I am less positive about upgrades from prior Fedoras. But, that being said, I must confess that I never do an upgrade, always a fresh install.

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