Genes MailLists wrote:

>> I see that this program is far from my needs or desires.
>> I just want to transfer contacts from Fedoar/KDE PIM to my Android phone,
>> and vice versa.
>> Is this possible under Fedora, or do I have to go over to Windows?

>   Just use google sync like most people.

What do you mean by "use google sync"?
Are you talking about a Fedora program?
According to "man google" there is no option "sync".
Perhaps if you just wrote down the command you give or might give 
(under Fedora), and the effect you expect it to have,
I would find it simpler to follow.

Actually, I have some success with
[tim@blanche ~]$ sudo google contacts list --title '.*' --user
Please log in and/or grant access at

Please enter the verification code on the success page: ***
Timothy Murphy,

>    KDE/PIM I don't use but hopefully any modern addressbook would have
> sync ability - if KDE/PIM has no sync ability then of course it wont
> work - you can of course use thunderbird to do it and export it for
> re-import ... and vice versa ...

Unfortunately, KAddressBook does not at present appear to be working,
though it does have a facility to import CSV data,
so I guess I could use that to transfer my contacts list from Google.

Actually, I keep all my contacts at present under OpenLDAP,
which KAddressBook is able to access when it is working.

>   that said if the tool doesn't do what you need you're using the wrong
> tool no?

I was advised to use googlecl on this newsgroup.
It probably is part of what I need,
but its documentation is very bad, even by Fedora standards.
I find the statement in /usr/share/doc/googlcl*/README.txt
"If you have no idea what this project is or is about, 
poke around on our home page at";
slightly offensive, apart from being useless since the home page 
is even worse.

Sadly, my experience is that any documentation associated with Google
is likely to be difficult to follow and time-consuming,
as the authors appear to want to show how clever they are
instead of communicating basic information.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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