Returning to the topic, Regarding radiation and ssd, The only place i would seriously advise not to use ssd's is in satelites. As cosmic rediation has serious effect on even hard backed rom's and dynamic mem....
So unless you've booked a trip at virgin, or planned to stay at the ISS, you're probably safe.... ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht ----- Van: jdow [] Verzonden: Friday, December 23, 2011 07:49 PM Aan: Community support for Fedora users <> Onderwerp: Re: Buy an SSD now, or wait? On 2011/12/23 08:57, Joe Zeff wrote: > On 12/23/2011 12:44 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote: >> Also, give it time... >> > > How much? We're still waiting for signs of major mutations from Hiroshima and > Nagasaki to show up. > >> Fukushima radiation mapped > > Yeah. What they don't tell you, probably because the reporters don't know it, > is > that much of the reason we're finding so much radiation is because our > detectors > are a lot better than they were back in the days of Chernobyl. What they are also not teaching you about is the number of now ripe old people who have been living in the exclusion (high radiation) zone after refusing to move out. They seem to live quite normal and healthy lives as do the herds of wildlife, horses and so forth. {^_^} -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: Have a question? Ask away: ______________________________________________________________________ Dit bericht kan informatie bevatten die niet voor u is bestemd. Indien u niet de geadresseerde bent of dit bericht abusievelijk aan u is toegezonden, wordt u verzocht dat aan de afzender te melden en het bericht te verwijderen. De Staat aanvaardt geen aansprakelijkheid voor schade, van welke aard ook, die verband houdt met risico's verbonden aan het elektronisch verzenden van berichten. This message may contain information that is not intended for you. If you are not the addressee or if this message was sent to you by mistake, you are requested to inform the sender and delete the message. The State accepts no liability for damage of any kind resulting from the risks inherent in the electronic transmission of messages. -- users mailing list To unsubscribe or change subscription options: Guidelines: Have a question? Ask away: