Works ok,
But take care that:
-either you disable swap,
-or have swap on other (traditinal) device.
-mount without "-atime"..

I've destroyed my first ssd by forgetting it.


----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: Alan J. Gagne []
Verzonden: Thursday, December 22, 2011 05:54 PM
Aan: For users of Fedora <>
Onderwerp: RE: Buy an SSD now, or wait?

> I just wondered if anyone here has had any experience in using SSDs in
> general, and with Fedora in particular? I am thinking about an upgrade, but
> I am uncertain whether it is worth it to invest in an SSD now, or let the
> technology ripen for a few more years. I believe the SSD market will expand
> massively in the coming years, and with that, innovation and development in
> the field as well, so waiting seems more reasonable at this stage. Any
> thoughts?

        I would definitely go for it. I have been using ssd's in a couple of 
systems for about a year and half. So far I am quite happy
with the performance gain they provide.

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