Christopher Svanefalk <> writes:
>    I just wondered if anyone here has had any experience in using SSDs in
>    general, and with Fedora in particular? I am thinking about an upgrade,
>    but I am uncertain whether it is worth it to invest in an SSD now, or
>    let the technology ripen for a few more years. I believe the SSD market
>    will expand massively in the coming years, and with that, innovation
>    and development in the field as well, so waiting seems more reasonable
>    at this stage. Any thoughts?

I got an Intel 320 series 120GB SSD for the F15 install.  I wouldn't
have believed how much of a difference an SSD could make if I didn't
experience the change myself.  There were just some things that the
system used to be slow at (like starting firefox, booting, etc.)  It now
zips through those.  While SSD's are expensive per GB, you really don't
need to put anything other than the base OS and /home on it.  The Intel
320-series 120GB SSD is under $200.  Even if the price drops in half in
a year, you'd have been using a slow system for another year just to
save $100.

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