On 25 November 2011 23:24, Matt Rose <mattr...@folkwolf.net> wrote:
> Ah, and the license restriction canard.  I was actually expecting this
> one.  If Fedora can't distribute this software because of license
> restrictions, how come RPMFusion can, and Ubuntu can, and SuSE can, and,
> and, and.

Freedom is one of the core values of the project. I applaud to all
contributors who make it possible to use this wonderful piece of
software without restrictions. I don't give a heck about politics. As
to all this closed crap provided by rpmfusion and some other sources,
remember that you're on your own while using them.

> The sad truth is that these are political problems that other distros have
> solved, but Fedora hasn't bothered to yet.
> Matt
>> --
>> Hiisi.
>> Registered Linux User #487982. Be counted at: http://counter.li.org/
>> --
>> Spandex is a privilege, not a right.
> I also wear spandex, even though I weigh well over 100kg.


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