Am 26.11.2011 22:58, schrieb Antonio Olivares:
>> some developers are thinking "it's new, it's cool, the
>> others do not bother me"
>> well, they can do so
>> but this will nothing change in the fact that POWER-USERS
>> will always use
>> a classical desktop, that most computers in professional
>> environments will
>> always need keyboads and a classical desktop
>> -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
> I hear you :)  I am with you, but sadly the desktop 
> creators/maintainers/coders are going with it :(  
> I even saw a guy on TV stating that there was no need for keyboards or mice 
> anymore 

well, this people should go straight forward if they believe that this is the 
until they recognize that this decision is quite stupid we can use KDE which 
was a bad
release with 4.0 because it was too early but it is useable and fine now

some years later i will laugh about all the peopole who are thinking keyboard 
mouse has no future because all this kids will sooner or later (hopefully) get
a job and realize what working with a computer means

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