> You have zero basis for such assumptions and even if that
> is the case,
> licensing conflicts will always triumph code quality
> consideration since
> if a code cannot be included, there is no point in talking
> about how
> stable or buggy it is.  

> It is Fedora's legal position
> that cdrkit has a
> licensing issue.   

It has a licensing issue?  I thought it was included because the original was 
the one that had the issue?  or did you make a mistake here?  

> It is the same position
> held by all other major
> distributions as well.
> -- 

Slackware is a major distribution.  It includes original cdrtools :)



Slackware ships the original cdrtools and does not even ship the broken fork. 

I also use it and it comes with the original, there's a slackbuild from Patrick 
V..  So others like source based distros also have it.  Nobody has sued them.  

I have built packages for slax-remix & porteus using the slackbuild  without 



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