On 24/06/11 15:40, g wrote:
> hello bob,
> On 06/24/2011 12:39 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> <>
>> But yes, I understand the router is the point at which
>> everything converges. I suppose I could insert a hub between the
>> router and the "modem."
> you need to go back for another coffee. ;)
> because you want to "meter" users/devices, you need to 'meter' within
> router.
> anything between router and sat modem will be nat'ed. so, 'nat' will
> need to be logged with a time stamp or metrics.

        There is a dd-wrt log function that I think I have configured.
        It simply displays zilch. I remember that once with a different
        router also running dd-wrt it displayed data sporadically. I am
        coming to suspect it may be a compatibility problem with the
        Linksys E3000 which they should know about by now, however I've
        received no response to my query ...

> therefore, you might want to pop a post to dd-wrt for info to log and
> dump data to a server. [unless someone on this list is dd-wrt proficient.]

        Done that, hoping for a response. Past experience indicates
        chances of finding a solution are better here.

        Presently I am reducing privileges via the router configuration.
        I don't think the kids iPhones need interconnection to our LAN.
        No doubt there will be complaints!

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