Bob Goodwin <> wrote:

>        The "choke point" is a Linksys E3000 wireless router running
>        DD-WRT connected to the "modem." DD-WRT apparently has a log
>       function but it appears to be temporary in that the data appears
>       and disappears quickly in some way that I have never understood.
>        Unlike this list the dd-wrt forum is difficult to deal with and
>        has provided little useful information.
>        But yes, I understand the router is the point at which
>       everything converges. I suppose I could insert a hub between the
>        router and the "modem." By devices I mean iPhones, iPads,
>        iLaptops, Mac and PC desktops, and my own Linux computers, a
>        mixture of wired and wireless

Yes, that is what you need. An old fashion hub. If you can find one of those 
these days. You may have to resort to building an Ethernet Tap.

>       I have Ntop running on an F-14 computer, the i686 version is not
>        yet available for F-15 unless it got fixed overnight. However I
>        haven't been able to get the kind of information I need out of
>        that either, perhaps due to my own ignorance. It's a pretty
>        complex program and does display a lot of information though.

And ntop won't do much good until you fix the data collection issue.

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