On 24/06/11 08:12, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 06/24/2011 07:38 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
>>          Can someone suggest a way of measuring usage per device,
>>          identifying them by address, MAC, or uuid? I really need to know
>>          which one is the offender to control the problem.
> It is quite impossible to properly think about answering your question
> without knowing the topology of your LAN.  Basically, is not possible to
> measure traffic from individual systems unless all traffic passes
> through a "choke point".
> Even if, for example, all of your systems connect via Ethernet cables to
> a router, which then connects to the your ISP, the monitoring would most
> probably need to be done on the router itself since most of these
> devices employ switch technology.

        The "choke point" is a Linksys E3000 wireless router running
        DD-WRT connected to the "modem." DD-WRT apparently has a log
        function but it appears to be temporary in that the data appears
        and disappears quickly in some way that I have never understood.
        Unlike this list the dd-wrt forum is difficult to deal with and
        has provided little useful information.

        But yes, I understand the router is the point at which
        everything converges. I suppose I could insert a hub between the
        router and the "modem." By devices I mean iPhones, iPads,
        iLaptops, Mac and PC desktops, and my own Linux computers, a
        mixture of wired and wireless

        I have Ntop running on an F-14 computer, the i686 version is not
        yet available for F-15 unless it got fixed overnight. However I
        haven't been able to get the kind of information I need out of
        that either, perhaps due to my own ignorance. It's a pretty
        complex program and does display a lot of information though.


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