On 06/21/2011 12:53 AM, Tim wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 10:44 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>> There is a paradigm shift going from Gnome2 to Gnome3 which I have not
>> seen discussed on this list.
>> Gnome2 is totally mouse oriented. Everything you want to do you do by
>> moving the mouse and clicking. Obviously I am rerring to Gnome2 itself
>> not applications.
>> However, in Gnome3 a large fraction of actions have been moved to the
>> keyboard.
> Found another can of worms to open?  ;-)
> It just seems another oddity.  Using the mouse, or other pointing
> device, was seen as making things easier for the non-computer literate,
> who distinctly hated typing for the command line interface.  Yet, now,
> we're going to make them use the keyboard, albeit for a command line
> interface in a GUI...
> Linux has recently been pushed as "must get it onto ordinary desktops,"
> but who for?  (With RHEL and its ilk for corporate, Fedora (and its ilk)
> for home.)
> Is a corporation going to want to spend $100 per graphics card per PC,
> so that the default Gnome 3 actually works, or are they going to
> continue to only want to put in the $20 graphics card?  (That just won't
> work with the new all-singing, all-dancing, Gnome 3.)  So there's the
> next RHEL with Gnome shot down in flames.
> Likewise, the *average* home user faces the same quandary, and most
> people buy underpowered computers.  So that's Fedora out of the
> question.
> It's really only the die-hard computer nuts who have the expensive
> graphics cards, and those tend to the gamers hooked on Windows games
> like World of Warcraft, or whatever the current fad is.  So that's
> virtually any type of Linux ignored.
> If you do want to run flashy 3D environments on Fedora, are there any
> other realistic choices than ATI or Nvidia, and the proprietary drivers,
> to get it working?  That, also, doesn't look good for Fedora.
> The phrase, "shooting oneself in the foot," springs to mind.
The only machine I have tried Fedora 15 on so far is an Atom powered 
netbook, with the usual clunky Intel graphics. I was pleased how 
smoothly all the elaborate screen shuffling works. I'm not sure I'm ever 
going to like Gnome 3, but graphics performance seems no reason to 
complain about it.


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