On 05/23/2011 08:47 AM, Philip Rhoades wrote: > Christopher, > > > On 2011-05-24 01:08, Christopher Wood wrote: >> On 23/05/11 02:06 AM, Carsten Grzemba wrote: >>> I guess the standard schema of 389Ds do not know objectclass >>> mozillaAbPersonAlpha and the attribute mozillanickname >>> >> My 389 install (rpm via epel) has those: >> >> [root@cwldap-01 ~]# grep mozillaAbPersonAlpha >> /etc/dirsrv/schema/60mozilla.ldif >> # mozillaAbPersonAlpha >> NAME 'mozillaAbPersonAlpha' >> [root@cwldap-01 ~]# grep mozillaNickname /etc/dirsrv/schema/60mozilla.ldif >> NAME ( 'mozillaNickname' 'xmozillanickname' ) >> MAY ( c $ description $ displayName $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ >> givenName $ homePhone $ l $ mail $ mobile $ mozillaCustom1 $ >> mozillaCustom2 $ mozillaCustom3 $ mozillaCustom4 $ >> mozillaHomeCountryName $ mozillaHomeLocalityName $ mozillaHomePostalCode >> $ mozillaHomeState $ mozillaHomeStreet $ mozillaHomeStreet2 $ >> mozillaHomeUrl $ mozillaNickname $ mozillaSecondEmail $ >> mozillaUseHtmlMail $ mozillaWorkStreet2 $ mozillaWorkUrl $ nsAIMid $ o $ >> ou $ pager $ postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ sn $ st $ street $ >> telephoneNumber $ title ) > > Yes, I have exactly the same - now I am really confused . . I don't think that the problem is the schema. The problem is likely that the suffix use in your LDIF does not exist in your directory server.
Your example entry from your LDIF has a DN of "dn: cn=Tina XXXXXX,mail=txxx...@nyyyyyyy.com". You can't import this entry unless you have an entry with a DN of "mail=txxx...@nyyyyyyy.com" already in your directory server. It is highly unlikely that you have this as it is not a format that is usually used for a suffix. I would recommend modifying your LDIF to use a more normal suffix in the DN of your user entries. A more common suffix format would be something such as "dc=example,dc=com". You will need to be sure this suffix already exist in your directory server before you can add the entries from your LDIF, otherwise you will get an error 32 (no such entry) when you attempt the adds. -NGK > Thanks, > > Phil. > > -- 389 users mailing list 389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/389-users