On 05/22/2011 01:10 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote: > People, > > I have installed the 389 DS on F14 x86_64 OK and can see a few people > that I added with the 389 Console in both Thunderbird and Squirrelmail > but now I want to do a bulk import of my TB addressbook into the 389 DB. > I can export the TB AB to an ldif file but it fails to import using > the 389 "Import Databases" fn - I presume I have to somehow massage the > LDIF file to make it compatible? Here is a complete record: > > dn: cn=Tina XXXXXX,mail=txxx...@nyyyyyyy.com > objectclass: top > objectclass: person > objectclass: organizationalPerson > objectclass: inetOrgPerson > objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha > givenName: Tina > sn: Franks > cn: Tina XXXXXX > mozillaNickname: tinaX > mail: txxxx...@nyyyyyyy.com > modifytimestamp: 48a5a25d > > I guess one of the objectlasses should be "People"? No. There are some problems with the dn: 1) Only use 'cn' in the dn if you are absolutely sure that the cn value will be unique - that is, that no two people will have the same first and last name. Unless this is a trivial deployment, you will want to use something else that is usually unique, like a userid, because there is no way to guarantee that two people will not have the same name. 2) Don't use both 'cn' and 'mail' in the dn: (in fact you probably want to use a userid as in 1) 3) You need a suffix. By default, 389 creates a suffix based on your domain name e.g. dc=example,dc=com. The typical dn would be something like dn: uid=theuserid,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com > Thanks, > > Phil.
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