On 23/05/11 02:06 AM, Carsten Grzemba wrote:
I guess the standard schema of 389Ds do not know objectclass 
mozillaAbPersonAlpha and the attribute mozillanickname

My 389 install (rpm via epel) has those:

[root@cwldap-01 ~]# grep mozillaAbPersonAlpha /etc/dirsrv/schema/60mozilla.ldif
# mozillaAbPersonAlpha
  NAME 'mozillaAbPersonAlpha'
[root@cwldap-01 ~]# grep mozillaNickname /etc/dirsrv/schema/60mozilla.ldif
  NAME ( 'mozillaNickname' 'xmozillanickname' )
MAY ( c $ description $ displayName $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ givenName $ homePhone $ l $ mail $ mobile $ mozillaCustom1 $ mozillaCustom2 $ mozillaCustom3 $ mozillaCustom4 $ mozillaHomeCountryName $ mozillaHomeLocalityName $ mozillaHomePostalCode $ mozillaHomeState $ mozillaHomeStreet $ mozillaHomeStreet2 $ mozillaHomeUrl $ mozillaNickname $ mozillaSecondEmail $ mozillaUseHtmlMail $ mozillaWorkStreet2 $ mozillaWorkUrl $ nsAIMid $ o $ ou $ pager $ postalCode $ postOfficeBox $ sn $ st $ street $ telephoneNumber $ title )

You can extend your schema with the 389console or remove (rename) the mozilla 
oc and attr

Regards Carsten

----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von: Christopher Wood<christopher_w...@pobox.com>
Datum: Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011, 21:57
Betreff: Re: [389-users] Importing Thunderbird AddressBook into LDAP
An: 389-us...@lists.fedoraproject.org

My short trite answer is:

    ->  What errors are you getting?

    ->  What version are you running?

    ->  When you ldapsearch on one of your pre-existing entries, does it
look like what you posted below?

On 22/05/11 03:10 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:

   >  People,
I have installed the 389 DS on F14 x86_64 OK and can see a few people
that I added with the 389 Console in both Thunderbird and Squirrelmail
but now I want to do a bulk import of my TB addressbook into the 389 DB.
   I can export the TB AB to an ldif file but it fails to import using
the 389 "Import Databases" fn - I presume I have to somehow massage the
LDIF file to make it compatible?  Here is a complete record:

dn: cn=Tina XXXXXX,mail=txxx...@nyyyyyyy.com
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: mozillaAbPersonAlpha
givenName: Tina
sn: Franks
cn: Tina XXXXXX
mozillaNickname: tinaX
mail: txxxx...@nyyyyyyy.com
modifytimestamp: 48a5a25d

I guess one of the objectlasses should be "People"?



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