Neal Becker wrote:

> I've been happily using google-chrome on F14 for some time, from
> baseurl=
> I've used this together with
> flash-plugin-
> using nspluginwrapper.
> I used to use google-chrome-unstable, but then one day, it started
> misbehaving.
> When quit, chrome would not restart.  Or, it would, but no pages would load. 
> I found that when quit, several processes were left running.
> The only way to restart was to killall chrome (2 times!), then rm -rf
> ~/.config/google-chrome.  Fortunately, chrome sync would reinstall all my
> plugins and pretty much restore everything.
> Now the problem is, that the current google-chrome-stable is doing the same
> thing.
> I have reason to believe it is actually using flash that is causing this
> problem.
> Anyway, no more chrome for me (these experiments get a bit old after a while).
> Unless, someone knows a workaround? (besides, no flash)

Good news!  With a little help from gdb, I may have fixed my chrome problem.  
Nothing to do with flash.  I removed all the gecko* and xine plugins (which I 
never used/wanted anyway).

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