I have a number of CD's that I need to transfer to flash drives. I
    did this a few months ago but can't recall what I used to do the job?

    K3B works but it's rather cumbersome to use.

    I see several other app's that look as though they should work but
    don't, e.g. grip, sound-juicer, asunder. They seem to have trouble
    finding the cdrom drive and I'm not sure they are any faster to use
    than K3B. But it seems they ought to work.

        [bobg@box9 ~]$ asunder
        Error: Couldn't open /dev/cdrom
        Error: Couldn't open /dev/cdrom
        Error: Couldn't open /dev/cdrom

    Grip produces an error message:

        Err0r: Unable to initialize [/dev/cdrom]

    Sound-juicer says "Unable to read the CD"

    There is no problem listing contents:

        [bobg@box9 media]$ ll
        total 8
        drwx------. 2 root root 4096 Feb 13 11:57 disk
        drwx------. 2 root root 4096 Feb 13 11:59 disk-1

    Any suggestions?



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