On 04/15/2011 12:21 PM, Gabriel Ramirez wrote:
> On 04/15/2011 08:49 AM, Robert Nichols wrote:
>> You want an ugly workaround?  How about keeping your separate /usr, but
>> keep a very stripped-down copy (just the stuff needed during boot) under
>> the /usr directory on your root file system.  That will, of course, all
>> be hidden when the separate /usr file system gets mounted.
> well I don't mind a ugly workaround, meanwhile my system works.
> my current system F14 works, at least I don't see anything broken with it.
> if when I install F15:
> all works fine, well thats it. ( maybe will be lucky)
> if it's broken well time to look a workaround not necessarily this one
> I have workarounds in other parts of my Fedora systems, so a workaround
> more to keep the system working will be fine
> copying /usr/bin /bin to / will not work under my actual partition / is
> too small for them.
> but well maybe I can a create it a little bigger, and I'm familiar with
> bind mounts and rsync , so thanks by sharing this workaround

Not even 1% of the programs in /usr/bin are relevant to the boot process.
You need those, such libraries from /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64) that they need,
some bits from /usr/share (/usr/share/hwdata in particular), probably a few
more bits and pieces that I haven't taken the time to track down.

>> Now /usr0 is your window into that overlaid /usr directory.  You can use
>> rsync with the "--existing" option to update just the files that you
>> placed in that root fs /usr.
> better leave out that flag, because if install new daemon will be not
> included.

There aren't many daemons that run before the local file systems have been
mounted.  Should you happen to install one of those, _and_ it misguidedly
installs in /usr, then you'll have something to add to your minimal root
filesystem version of /usr.  Using the "--existing" flag ensures that only
the files you've deemed necessary get copied, not the whole directory.

Hardest part, really, is coming up with a meaningful test.  My systems,
like yours, currently boot just fine with a separate /usr file system, so
there's not much way to know if you've missed something that should, at
least in theory, have been included.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                 Do NOT delete it.

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