On 04/15/2011 08:49 AM, Robert Nichols wrote:
> On 04/15/2011 12:22 AM, Gabriel Ramirez wrote:
>> ok, so I was wrong about the webpage and the situation, well thanks, for
>> your explanation the only thing to do is install the F15, live with it
>> or try to do a workaround myself (I don't care if it's ugly) meanwhile
>> works in my use case.
> You want an ugly workaround?  How about keeping your separate /usr, but
> keep a very stripped-down copy (just the stuff needed during boot) under
> the /usr directory on your root file system.  That will, of course, all
> be hidden when the separate /usr file system gets mounted.

well I don't mind a ugly workaround, meanwhile my system works.

my current system F14 works, at least I don't see anything broken with it.

if when I install F15:

all works fine, well thats it. ( maybe will be lucky)
if it's broken well time to look a workaround not necessarily this one

I have workarounds in other parts of my Fedora systems, so a workaround 
more to keep the system working will be fine

copying /usr/bin /bin to / will not work under my actual partition / is 
too small for them.

but well maybe I can a create it a little bigger, and I'm familiar with 
bind mounts and rsync , so thanks by sharing this workaround
> OK, so how do you maintain the contents of that buried /usr while the
> system is running?  Time to get tricky with bind mounts:
>    1. Create a directory /usr0.
>    2. Arrange /etc/fstab so that the /usr directory gets bind mounted onto
>       /usr0 _before_ the real /usr gets mounted.  (Note: I haven't done
>       any testing to see if you can actually ensure that the mounts get
>       done in this sequence during the auto mounting of local file
>       systems.)

well mounting filesystems seems will be controlled by systemd too (maybe 
I'm wrong here too I read a 2010 long webpage), so mounting fs will be 
the same or change

> Now /usr0 is your window into that overlaid /usr directory.  You can use
> rsync with the "--existing" option to update just the files that you
> placed in that root fs /usr.

better leave out that flag, because if install new daemon will be not 

> If you ever umount /usr0, though, there's no way to regain access
> without rebooting.
> As an extra-credit exercise, figure out how to set this up on a running
> system without booting from a rescue disk.

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