Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Some of the reasons are outlined in
> http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/separate-usr-is-broken

Thanks very much for that link. It's very informative, and reasonably
well written, though with a few forgivable grammatical errors.

> Of course, the typical response is argue that, this shouldn't be the
> case but that is at this point just wishful thinking. 

Not on my machine.

$ egrep 'usb-db|pci-db|FROM_DATABASE|/usr' /*/udev/rules.d/*
egrep: /*/udev/rules.d/*: No such file or directory

I think this particular quote

> What to do about this? Well, in theory all these programs could be
> fixed, and major parts of /usr be moved into /. However, the question is
> for what benefit?

is misdirected. The question should be posed the other way. What is
the benefit of making non-necessary programs be necessary to boot?
Obviously, there is none, it's just something which happened b/c
people didn't think about what they were doing.

Also, it's not necessary to move "major parts of /usr into /".

So, what you are saying is that things are broken, and nobody at Red Hat
wants to do anything about it, simply because nobody did the necessary
thought and effort before making changes, and now it's "too late".

Well, different people have different priorities, I suppose. I don't
have those problems on my machine, and I have, at times in the past,
had /usr be a separately mounted file system, though at present it's
not the way my machine is configured.

It's one of the more unattractive parts of the current direction
being taken by the UNIX world, and Linux in particular, that changes
get made w/o careful consideration and planning. People see a way in
which they would prefer the system would behave differently, and so
they figure out a way to change that, and everyone jumps on the
bandwagon because there is a sort of automatic glee at "newness",
and then later people start slapping their foreheads and wishing that
things hadn't turned out quite the way they did.

This might be a good opportunity for some of the more cool headed
people at Red Hat and other distro providers to argue for a little
more deliberate approach to choosing the future direction of their

Just something possibly worth considering.

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