Hi Manuel,

I experience many problems which are not:
- Caused by using KWin's composition manager
- By broken configuration
- DBus / X11 / Any other component which is the root of all evil

I file every bug and every crash (yes, there are still quite a few
crahers), however it looks like the kde-team is simply overwhelmed.
For years now their bug-count only knows one way - up - and when
looking how many bugs were fixed e.g. in 4.5.3 I don't think the
situation will improve.

When 4.5.5 will be almost ok, 4.6 will appear and the game will start again.
Instead of playing arround with semantic desktop stuff, OpenGL toy
stuff for plasma or social network integration, I wish they could
focus completly on stability/performance/resource-consumption.

However profiling doesn't seem to be fun for most guys (especially
when you're resource constrained), so no - I don't think this will
ever happen soon.

- Clemens
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