I've been reading a lot of threads in this list of users complaining about
KDE 4.5, (specially of 4.5.3) Well, I've been using KDE 4.5 for some time
now (even before it was officially on F13) and I do not have any problems
talking about, follow my advice in order to solve this errors and tell me if
KDE has
a different behavior:

1.- Update your system with a "sudo yum -y update"

2.- Reset your KDE Settings by erasing the ".kde" folder inside your home
directory (it's hidden)

3.- Turn Off Desktop Effects

4.- Reboot the PC

5.- With the new clean setting of KDE now you can work without errors, feel
free to customize it again


<-Manuel Escudero->
Linux User #509052
@GWave: jmlev...@googlewave.com
@Blogger: http://www.blogxenode.tk/ (Xenode Systems Blog)
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