Manuel Escudero wrote:

> I've been reading a lot of threads in this list of users complaining about
> KDE 4.5, (specially of 4.5.3) Well, I've been using KDE 4.5 for some time
> now (even before it was officially on F13) and I do not have any problems
> you're
> talking about, follow my advice in order to solve this errors and tell me
> if KDE has
> a different behavior:
> 1.- Update your system with a "sudo yum -y update"
> 2.- Reset your KDE Settings by erasing the ".kde" folder inside your home
> directory (it's hidden)
> 3.- Turn Off Desktop Effects
> 4.- Reboot the PC
> 5.- With the new clean setting of KDE now you can work without errors,
> feel free to customize it again

Not bad, except for #2, that's pretty harsh, only to be done as a very last 

-- Rex

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