On 07/23/2010 05:08 PM, g wrote:
>> Yes, I got that.  My FYI was just a general one since it seemed that "g"
>> may have been suggesting it possible to run the older version on TB3.
>> Just dotting the "i"s and crossing the "t"s.   And being annoyingly
>> pedantic.  :-) :-)
> no. i was suggesting latest release, which he later stated he has.
> maybe i lost you with all those links. :)

It wasn't the links...just the words surrounding them.  :-)

I suppose the phrase "shows "Works with Thunderbird 0.7 - 2.0.0.*", so,
therein lies reason for your problem." means something different to me.  :-)

There is a great discovery still to be made in Literature: that of
paying literary men by the quantity they do NOT write. 葛斯克 愛德華 /

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