On 07/23/10 10:43, Ed Greshko wrote:
>  On 07/23/2010 04:26 PM, g wrote:
>> Joachim Backes wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> I saw that I had not enabled *Mail Redirect*: Now after enabling it, I
>>> had exactly the same problem as I reported in my first posting.
>>> Disabling *Mail Redirect* helped me, so it was the culprit.
>> ok. checking;
>>   Mail Redirect  0.7.4
>>   https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/550/
>> it shows "Works with Thunderbird 0.7 - 2.0.0.*", so, therein lies reason
>> for your problem.
> FYI, if you try to install that version of Mail Redirect on TB3 it will
> not install.  It will tell you it is incompatible.   Also, if you have
> that version installed and upgrade from TB2 to TB3 the add-on will be
> disabled until you upgrade to the version that supports TB3.
Hi Ed,

the problem exists *not with the 2.0.0* version but with
*mailredirect-0.7.4-tb3-20100708.xpi* , available from


Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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