On 07/23/10 08:26, Ed Greshko wrote:

having big problems with the new thunderbird-3.1.1-1: After exiting a
running thunderbird-3.1.1-1 and starting it again, nothing happens: No
error message or something similar. Logging out or restart does not
help. I had to downgrade thunderbird for getting it to run again.

Somebody has similar problems?

My situation may not match yours...  But, I am running F11 and I've
downloaded the TB  3.1.1-1 from the Mozilla site and am running it just
fine.  You didn't mention....did you try starting TB from the command line?

yes, I did, but I got nothing on the cli.

Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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