2022-08-08 8:09 UTC+02:00, Samuel Sieb <sam...@sieb.net>:
> On 8/7/22 01:38, Andras Simon wrote:
>> 2022-08-06 23:03 UTC+02:00, ToddAndMargo via users
>> <users@lists.fedoraproject.org>:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Fedora 36
>>> firefox-102.0-1.fc36.x86_64
>>> This seems to be an issue specific to the
>>> repo's edition of Firefox. Everyone on
>>> the Firefox newsgroup get it to work.
>>> Removing and reinstalling did not help:
>>> https://esupport.gigabyte.com/
>>>      Secure Connection Failed
>>>      An error occurred during a connection to
>>>      esupport.gigabyte.com. You are attempting to
>>>      import a cert with the same issuer/serial
>>>      as an existing cert, but that is not the
>>>      same cert.
>> If you click on "Lean more...", you'll end up in a few steps on this
>> page:
>> https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Certificate-contains-the-same-serial-number-as-another-certificate
>> which *may* help.
> The error message that page shows is slightly different.  I don't know
> if that's because it's an earlier version of the message or this is a
> different case.  Regardless, the suggested solution is not relevant to
> this issue.

The error code is the same, and, moreover, mozilla sends you to this
page, so I guess every investigation should start there. Of course it
may still turn out to be irrelevant.
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