ToddAndMargo via users writes:

On 8/7/22 06:53, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
Tim via users writes:

Brings up:

As an aside, I've written off Gigabyte as damaged goods. Their tech support refuses to give you support if you tell them you're running Linux on their motherboards. Their hardware is MS-Windows only.

Their tech support is blow off tech support.  You
should see the reviews I give them!

I recently found all kinds of issues with
Windows 11 on one of their motherboards and
documented it for them with workarounds.
They refused to even look at it.

Who is your new go to motherboard supplier?

I haven't found one yet. My hardware project was put on hold.

But, looking at my old hardware, that I'm trying to replace: it seems that with only a few exceptions it's based on Supermicro motherboards. All my old hardware was not hand-built, but I had system builders put them together.

So, it seems that at least some time ago, experienced system builders were using Supermicro motherboards. So, when I pick this up that's where I'll be looking at.

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