Samuel Sieb:
>> That's not the kernel causing the disconnect.  This is a message
>> from the kernel saying that the device disconnected and then
>> reconnected.

> Right. Like when the cable is going bad, or the device itself is
> failing.

And the connectors...

If the connection feels in the slightest bit loose, then it can lose
connection with the tiniest vibration.  It doesn't necessarily have to
be on the end of a cable that gets moved (like a mouse), it only has to
momentarily break then reconnect to upset the computer.

I've had that with a brand new USB hub.  I had to bend the tangs in its
USB sockets to make them grip the plugs properly.

Any long-time used USB connectors are quite likely to be weakened,
whether that's a connector that you keep plugging and unplugging, or
even one that's always got the same thing connected.  The electrical
contacts don't have a particularly strong grip inside a USB connection,
and the mechanical bits that hold the plug in place are quite
uname -rsvp
Linux 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 25 17:23:54 UTC 2020 x86_64
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