On 9/1/20 1:31 PM, PGNet Dev wrote:
> The devs seem amenable, but are vastly under-resourced IMO.  For my money, 
> better Fedora support ==> more Redhat support contract adoption.
> But that's a corporate Redhat/IBM issue that they've yet to come to terms 
> with and focus on.  Unless you're a bank, airline, government, etc :-/
it's funny you said that because i almost included something similar in
my original mail. At roughly a billion $ a quarter in gross
revenue(IIRC), i think Red Hat should double/triple down on Fedora and
CentOS. What would happen to RH revenue (down the line) if Fedora and
CentOS started to completely dominate market share for smaller
institutions? Why would enterprises use another OS/distro if all the
users, admins and devs only/mainly know Fedora/CentOS b/c that's what
they use at school and work. i.e. The Windows Effect. Fedora and CentOS
are doing a lot of things right (that's why i'm in the process of moving
to them for various things), but just imagine if it were all really well
funded, and got to all the people doing the work.
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