On 5/14/20 10:12 AM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 05/14/2020 09:26 AM, Richard Hughes wrote:
It's impossible. Desktop applications do not expect files to just
disappear when running.

This is Linux we're talking about, so they don't.  When you delete a file, it doesn't vanish until the last program using it closes the file.

You really need to follow the history of this issue before making comments like that. Applications like Firefox do not keep all their data and interface files open constantly or might not have had reason to open certain files yet. Then you change the files and it tries to open the file and it's either not there or modified and bad things happen.

A lot of applications also use "dlopen" and again, it's the same situation.

Besides, you say the file doesn't vanish until the last program closes it. While technically true, it's not practically true. Sure, the inode still exists in the file system, but the name is gone or points to a different file. So even if one application still has it open, another one will get a different version and that's another potential failure point.
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