On Mon, 30 Dec 2019 at 18:52, John Mellor <john.mel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You appear to be a long-time Gnome dev.

I suppose I am. I'm also a principal engineer at Red Hat, working here
for over a decade now. I wrote most of libdnf (originally called
libzif, then libhif), most of PackageKit and have maintained a good
chunk of the user-visible update framework in RHEL 6,7 and 8 and in
Fedora. I was one of the original developers of AppStream and author
of much of libappstream-glib. I wrote gnome-packagekit, and then wrote
most of gnome-software a few years later. I have in-depth knowledge of
all layers of the rpm-based update framework we use. Until very
recently I've been the one who gets pinged by QA when it all breaks
for some helpless user.

> Please revisit the updater design decision instead of just hiding the problem 
> under the rug.

This is my last email to this thread. The Unix that you think you are
using does not exist any more, I'm sorry to say. Please stop
characterizing us as idiots who don't know what they are doing, when
we have the stats and real-world experience on our side.

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