On Mon, 30 Dec 2019 at 15:02, John Mellor <john.mel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've complained about this issue before.  Its a defective design
> decision made by the Gnome people, some of whom I suspect to be
> ex-Windows people trying to sabotage the desktop    ;^0

This is unacceptable.

> but I have yet to either hear of or experience an actual
> problem caused by not rebooting in 20 years of Linux use

I was the person triaging these bugs for about the last decade. If you
have a failure rate of 1/10000, and you have millions of users, you
have tens of angry users EVERY DAY filing bugs that their root
filesystem exploded or that their GUI application crashed while it was
updated in the background, losing all their work. Offline updates has
reduced this failure rate by about 3 orders of magnitude.

> Unix is designed to prevent this problem

That's nonsense, sorry.

> as its actually a ruse by the Gnome developers to justify their broken design 
> decision

You're just being offensive now.

> instead of just doing the simpler and easier code in the update app

You're hilarious, and you you clearly don't actually understand how
rpm deployment works, UXIX locking semantics, or modern Linux service
or application design. Please self moderate your opinions in the

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