On 4/20/19 8:34 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
On 04/20/19 10:19, Tim via users wrote:
On Sat, 2019-04-20 at 09:40 -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
Ok, I can accept that based on you greater knowledge, but what's in
a name? I want to connect a wide area network to a local area network
but a network bridge wont work? The procedure for doing it was well
written and quite clear so I thought I would try that.

I guess you are saying that I should use NAT? I will continue
googling for a procedure for doing that,
Going from prior messages, your current system is thus:

satellite ----> ISP supplied ----> your own  -------+----->  the
receiver        horrible           preferred        |        rest
                 modem & router     router           +---->   of
                 doing NAT          also doing NAT   |        your
                                                     +--->    LAN


It is labeled Viasat and model RG1100, the manual is barely adequate,

I don't know if this will be any help or just more noise but here goes.

I read through the manual and have to say there's not much there. First thing it recommends is using wired ethernet, if possible, then proceeds to use the rest of the limited documentation explaining how to configure wireless (sheesh!)

However, they may have inadvertently left a clue (sacre bleu!).

We’ll only be changing settings in the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz sections, so you can ignore the Advanced Settings drop-down at the bottom for now.

Are these advanced settings for wifi only? You'll have to check that yourself. There is a chance that is where you'll find things such as "pass through" or "bridged". If one of those is available that is what you are looking for. When in that mode the modem/router doesn't get an IP but instead the mac addresses are rewritten (NAT'd) so as to appear to be a simple wire with raw data on its output. YOUR router receives the IP addresses originally destined for the modem/router.

It's hard to imagine any front line modem/router not offering pass-thru but we, mere mortals, don't get to make that choice.

Good luck!

Mike Wright

ps. Ben Mohilef just posted the link to the advanced tab. That is what you want.
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