On Sat, 2019-04-20 at 09:40 -0400, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> Ok, I can accept that based on you greater knowledge, but what's in
> a name? I want to connect a wide area network to a local area network
> but a network bridge wont work? The procedure for doing it was well
> written and quite clear so I thought I would try that.
> I guess you are saying that I should use NAT? I will continue
> googling for a procedure for doing that,

Going from prior messages, your current system is thus:

satellite ----> ISP supplied ----> your own  -------+----->  the
receiver        horrible           preferred        |        rest
                modem & router     router           +---->   of
                doing NAT          also doing NAT   |        your
                                                    +--->    LAN

With the ISP-supplied modem router being unwanted and not very useful
to you.

While that kind of networking setup *can* work, it can be a nuisance in
various ways.

If you could put the ISP supplied thingummy into bridge mode, it would
act simply as a modem, giving a bare ethernet output to your own
router.  In essence you're bypassing its in-built router section. 
However, it doesn't appear to give you the choice.

One possible option could be:  Can you buy the same model modem/router
from somewhere else, or a suitable equivalent and swap it over?  Your
own (replacement) device would be user-configurable.

I don't think you've told us exactly what device your ISP supplied
(i.e. brand and model), so that anybody could advise you on it.  Nor
have you answered queries about what numerical IP addresses are being
used (both with their routing equipment, and your own).

Considering your first post mentions that the replacement lacks the
data management options you need, and you've already prematurely used
up a large portion of your data allowance.  It may be worth contacting
your ISP and forthrightly mentioning that the replacement model is
inadequate for your needs, mentioning those two particular problems. 
They may have an alternative, or may be able to put it into bridge mode
for you.

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