On 10/21/2018 03:25 PM, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:

Haven't found who wrote the code for the site, yet - but whoever did
it: compliments: Minimal js - Signing in with, IIRC, a google account,
FB etc. seems being no effort ...

They're using the Askbot code from askbot.org. It keeps all of the answers and comments on a question together with the original question, and the comments are connected either to the original question or the answer they're related to. The karma system helps give you an idea how active and helpful the contributors are, as do the badges, although some of them aren't well thought out. (Why you should get a silver badge for answering a new question during the first 48 hours it's up I don't understand.) Yes, I've been a member for about six years and the fact that I'm still active both there and here should tell you something.
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