On Sat, 20 Oct 2018 19:52:20 -0400
Todd Zullinger <t...@pobox.com> wrote:

> But that said, I don't see any reason why there could not be
> a users forum and an email list co-existing.  Clearly, some
> people prefer forums while other prefer email.  Helping
> users of Fedora in whatever format they prefer seems
> reasonable.
> Both IRC and the mailing list happily co-exist today.  Some
> folks are in one or the other, some spend time in both.  A
> user-support forum would be similar. If that makes support
> available to people who aren't well-served by IRC or mailing
> lists, it's probably a good thing.

This makes sense.  Though a couple of drawbacks are that it fragments
support of users, and spreads infrastructure support thinner than it
already is.

It's not surprising that those on the mailing list are so opposed to a
web forum; we have all self selected as preferring email lists.  As
you say, a web forum would let those who prefer web forums have their
preference.  We won't know how viable that is without trying it; are
there lots of people who are not participating because they don't have
access to a web forum?
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