I wrote:
> That might be sped up if someone reading is interested in
> filing a bug upstream and perhaps even providing a patch to
> hyperkitty.  Someone from the infrastructure team may
> eventually be able to do just that, but I know they have
> many, many items on their list of tasks. :)
>     https://gitlab.com/mailman/hyperkitty/issues

I believe the place to add this would be around here in the


I don't use javascript much and I'm not curious enough to
setup a hyperkitty dev environment to test this, but
something like this might be what's needed:

diff --git i/hyperkitty/static/hyperkitty/js/hyperkitty-thread.js 
index bd17e98..fbb2369 100644
--- i/hyperkitty/static/hyperkitty/js/hyperkitty-thread.js
+++ w/hyperkitty/static/hyperkitty/js/hyperkitty-thread.js
@@ -252,10 +252,13 @@ function setup_replies() {
         if (sig_index != -1) {
             quoted = quoted.substr(0, sig_index);
+        // set reply attribution
+        var attribution = $(this).parents(".email").first()
+                            .find(".email-body").clone().text() + ' wrote:';
         // add quotation marks
         quoted = $.trim(quoted).replace(/^/mg, "> ");
         // insert before any previous text
-        textarea.val(quoted + "\n" + textarea.val());
+        textarea.val(attribution + "\n" + quoted + "\n" + textarea.val());
     function set_new_thread(checkbox) {

Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies.
    -- Voltaire, on his deathbed in response to a priest asking that
    he renounce Satan.

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