Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Tue, 2018-03-27 at 17:27 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As we've discussed in this thread and others recently,
>> messages from subscribers do not reach
>> subscribers (among others).  This is due to an
>> aggressive policy set by Yahoo which breaks mail sent via
>> the mailing list.
>> The mitigation enabled should change the From: address of
>> the outgoing mail to the list address.  This should only
>> apply to users of and other domains which set a
>> similar DMARC policy.  Subscribers at other domains should
>> see no change to the From: address of mail they send to the
>> list.
>> I believe that only the email address will be changed, and
>> not the sender's name, but I am not certain of that yet.

I did check the mailman source code and it does leave the
user name mostly untouched.  So (presuming has
a DMARC 'reject' policy),

    From: Some User <>
would be changed to

    From: Some User via users <>

>> Hopefully this mitigation will work well and provide an
>> overall improvement to the list.  If not, we'll revert it.
> That seems to be a sensible change. Perhaps one or two users
> could post here just to check it's working and we users can
> see their messages.
> Of course as long as nothing appears we'll have to keep checking HK to
> see if we're missing something ...

Or you'll notice replies to messages you've not seen. :)

Maybe we'll be lucky and everyone will move off,
giving the infrastructure team a nice present.

To have a successful relationship, I must learn to make it look like
I'm giving as much as I'm getting.

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